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Book Online

Our doctor will provide the most effective treatment plan for you based on consultation, exams, history, analysis, and symptoms. 


Booking is done in 3 simple steps.

1. Pick "$47 New Patient Special if you are New.

2. Select date & time

3. Fill out name, cellphone number, email address etc...


We DO NOT accept insurance.

A few steps for the treatment

At your first visit, Dr. Fujii will ask your problems and concerns and go over your new patient form. He will perform physical examination, check range of motions, static palpation, motion palpation, muscle spasm, spine, nerve, ligaments, brain function, posture analysis etc... This is called complete chiropractic screening. After the exams, Dr. Fujii collects all your information and review your record.


Then, Dr. Fujii will perform an individual report of findings. At that time, he will explain your conditions based on your exam result and will provide the most effective treatment plan for you.

You will receive your first chiropractic treatment if you are ready to begin. 


Schedule your appointment with us today! 

Our Services

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